The Kat Life

how I'm choosing to live my best life

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Katherine Moon
Katherine Isabella Moon
Meow, hello there, my name is Katherine, but you can call me Kat; because I basically am a cat. Anyways, I am a 26-year-old, lifestyle blogger, with an INFP-T personality type, from the United States. I love fashion, the color pink, cats, dogs, and spending all my time on my computer. I'm often seen wearing cat ears headbands.
The Kat Life
The Kat Life

how I'm choosing to live my best life

Summer Fun For Non-Outdoorsy People
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Summer Fun For Non-Outdoorsy People

Women looking out the window on a summer day
Photo courtesy of Tatiana on Pexels

I have a confession to make, as much as I love Summer, and I do occasionally enjoy getting some fresh air, I'm not an outdoorsy person. Like, at all. More often than not, I won't spend any more than 15 minutes outside at a time, and an hour is often my maximum. Sure, there are a lot of things that I enjoy about the outdoors, but many of my hobbies are indoor hobbies. I also have to say that it's nice not being attacked by bugs when I'm indoors, versus having them buzzing around my head as I'm sitting on my back porch. There are also some days where it's just too hot to do anything outside. Ohio's summers can be just as intense as it's winters sometimes. So it's necessary to have some activities to have some summer fun indoors, whether you're just not an outdoorsy person, or for the days when the heat is a bit too much.

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