The Kat Life

how I'm choosing to live my best life

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Katherine Moon
Katherine Isabella Moon
Meow, hello there, my name is Katherine, but you can call me Kat; because I basically am a cat. Anyways, I am a 26-year-old, lifestyle blogger, with an INFP-T personality type, from the United States. I love fashion, the color pink, cats, dogs, and spending all my time on my computer. I'm often seen wearing cat ears headbands.
The Kat Life
The Kat Life

how I'm choosing to live my best life

6 Things Quarantine Has Made Me Realize
Monday, May 11, 2020

6 Things Quarantine Has Made Me Realize

Stay home and save lives
Photo courtesy of Sandie Clarke on Unsplash

So, it's safe to say that 2020 has been the strangest year of my life, and this year isn't going to go quite how I planned it. I was planning to make this the year that I started to come out of my shell a little bit. 2020 was going to be the year that I started to leave the house a little more often, and see what life outside my bedroom had to offer. I wasn't going to let anything stop me from making a serious effort to be less of a hermit this year, nothing at all. When 2020 started, I sincerely believed that nothing was going to stop me from living my best life. What could stop possibly stop me from achieving all of my goals this year? I even came into 2020 with the mentality that there would be ups and downs, but I wouldn't let the downs stop me making this year the best year ever. Nothing can go that wrong, right? Nothing can actually put a stop to my plans! Oof--

Welp, it's looking like 2020 isn't going to be the best year ever, at least not in terms of going out more. I can honestly say that I never thought I'd have such a legitimate excuse for being a homebody, not until I had to be one. I suppose I can't complain too much, as my lifestyle actually hasn't changed that much under quarantine, and I like being home, but it would be nice to have the option to safely go out. I'd love to be able to go to the mall, go to a coffee shop, spend time at the park, and see my boyfriend. I long for the day that I can do all of those things safely. But, for now, I have to try to make the most of quarantine. I mean, what other option do I really have? No, but really, I want to make the most of this time. I also want to use this as a time of reflection, because damn, let me tell you, I've come to quite a few realizations since shit started to hit the fan.

Caring For Your Mental Health During Stressful Times
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Caring For Your Mental Health During Stressful Times

How do I get through the next day
Photo courtesy of David Lezcano on Unsplash

It's no secret that life can get hella hard and stressful sometimes. Stressful, challenging, and hard times are simply a part of life, and they're basically unavoidable; and we all face them to some degree or another. Whether it's something in our personal, family, or professional lives, or perhaps a large scale crisis (like a global pandemic), we all deal with challenging or stressful things at some point in our lives. That being said, I'd like to clarify that it's normal to feel stressed from time to time. It's normal to be anxious or worried during uncertain times. It's completely normal to be sad during times of grief, such as after the loss of a loved one or after a breakup. It's normal to feel stressed when something in your life changes or you're not sure what the future holds, or what the present holds for the matter. It's okay to feel stressed, anxious, sad, or whatever else you may be feeling.

But the thing is if you keep allowing yourself to become more and more distressed, and you don't handle these emotions properly, it can really take a toll on your mental health. Sometimes it can even take a toll on how you're feeling physically. Honestly, I've been finding myself feeling a bit under the weather lately due to stress, both mentally and physically, and it's been affecting my energy and productivity for the worst. Not to mention my mood. I've been quick to get irritated or upset over the last month or so; way too quick. That being said, it's time to take charge of my mental health, as I can't just stay down forever. Nor can I wait for everything to blow over, as this isn't going to just blow over by next week, or even next month for the matter. It's time to pick myself back up, and if you're also feeling emotionally down in the dumps, I hope you'll do the same and do what you need to take care of your mental health.

10 Things I Like About Being Home
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

10 Things I Like About Being Home

A day at home
Photo courtesy of Jelena Mirkovic on Unsplash

Honestly, I have always been a bit of an introverted homebody. I actually prefer to stay home most of the time. Even when given the option, I'll typically choose to do most things from home. Sure, I do enjoy going shopping at the mall every now and then, and I do enjoy going for walks to get some fresh air, but for the most part, if it can be done at home, I will almost always opt to do it at home. I workout at home, I do my work at home, I entertain myself at home, I do pretty much everything at home. I like home. Home is my happy place, my safe place. I think you get the idea by now, I enjoy spending time at home. At least most of the time.

I can't say that I haven't been missing the option to go to the shop, see the people that I care about, visit the park, or anything else I may feel like doing during the quarantine. I have a newfound appreciation for having the option to do what used to seem like the most simple of things. I have a newfound appreciation for ordinary life in general. But I also have a heightened appreciation for the comforts of home, even the things that may seem silly or trivial. Why shouldn't I take a moment to truly appreciate all of these things, and have a little bit of gratitude for them? Even if quarantine has been my lifestyle all along, now is the time to truly embrace being a homebody.

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