Photo courtesy of Elly Fairytale on Pexels |
Even if you can't get to the gym or to a workout class, there is no reason that you can't still get a great workout in. Although the gym environment can be super motivating, especially if you take a workout class, you don't need the gym to find the motivation to workout. You don't need to attend a pricey workout class to get your sweat on, nor do you need a lot of equipment to get a good workout in. As a matter of fact, you really don't need any special equipment at all; you don't necessarily even need a yoga mat. For some home workouts, you don't really need a ton of space either. All you need is the desire and the motivation to get moving.
As an introvert, I have always preferred working out on my own from home anyway. That way, nobody can bother me while I'm getting my sweat on. Plus, there are so many at-home workouts available online that if I get bored with my workout, I can easily switch up. For me, working out from home is basically second nature. It's just a matter of finding the motivation to do it and building a routine that's easy to stick to.
Designate your workout space
Photo courtesy of Elly Fairytale on Pexels |
First thing's first, it's not a bad idea to decide where exactly you're going to be doing your workouts if you don't already have a home gym. I know that this can be a little bit tricky if you have a limited amount of space, but try to find an area in your house where you'll be able to have some privacy, minimal distractions, and as much open space as possible. The amount of space you'll need will depend on your workout, but you don't necessarily need a ton of room. Some workout routines could almost be done in a narrow hallway, although I prefer to give myself at least body length the full way around, so I have a full range of motion. However, if this isn't possible, you can always make adjustments and modifications to the workout as needed to suit your space.
I personally love to do my workouts outside on my back patio when the weather permits, and get some fresh air as I'm getting my exercise for the day in. So if you have the outdoor space, and the weather is pleasant, it can feel amazing to take your workout outside. But if not, you can get just as good of a workout indoors, with more privacy and much fewer bugs flying around.
Have it flow into your daily routine
Photo courtesy of Karolina Grabowska of Kaboompics |
Whether you workout from home or go to the gym, a big part of sticking to any fitness routine is making it naturally flow into your daily routine and having a consistent time of day to start your workout every day. It's best to choose a time where you don't have that much going on. For me, I have actually found that the best time to exercise is first thing in the morning. That way, I'm not already occupied with anything else when it's time to get my sweat on, and I can focus on my workout. I also find that when I workout first thing in the morning, I actually have more energy for the rest of the day than if I save my workout for the middle of the day. Working out in the morning also helps me to shake off the "morning feeling" a lot sooner.
But if you don't have the time to work out in the morning or the idea of working out first thing in the morning does not appeal to you, you can still work it into your routine. Perhaps you could do your immediately after your workday or maybe right before bed; it's entirely up to you. It may take some trial and error to create a routine that actually works for your lifestyle. But if you're already used to going to the gym or to fitness classes, perhaps you could do your home workout at the same time you'd typically head to the gym.
Plan your workouts
Photo courtesy of Stil on Unsplash |
When I first started working out consistently in 2017, I found the free monthly workout calendars that Blogilates makes to be super helpful, as my workout for each day were already chosen. I didn't have to waste any time trying to figure out what my workout for the day was going to be, and I wasn't getting bored by doing the same exact routines every day. I also really love Yoga With Adriene's monthly calendars and playlists as well. There are a lot of great free workout plans available online that you can either strictly follow or use as a general guide.
Of course, you always have the option of planning your own workouts as well. Perhaps you could create your own calendar for the whole month, or plan out your workouts in your planner weekly. It's entirely up to you, as long as you have a plan, and you're not trying to figure out what to do as you're rolling out your mat or putting on your shoes.
The internet is your best friend
Photo courtesy of Samantha Gades on Unsplash |
When it comes to working out from home, the internet is your best friend in terms of finding exciting new workout routines, as well as motivation. There are thousands, if not millions, of different workout videos on YouTube, some of which are an entire fitness class. There are workouts of all different types available, so you're sure to find something that sparks joy for you. There are also various warm-up and stretching routines on YouTube, so you won't get bored while taking care of your muscles before and after your workout. If you'd prefer to listen to your own playlist while you sweat, you can always either mute the video or follow a workout routine from Pinterest.
Speaking of playlists, you can even find ideas for songs to add to your workout playlist on the internet, as well as a ton of motivating quotes to help keep you going. There are also quite a few positive fitness communities that you can join online to potentially make new friends who also live an active lifestyle and can motivate you even more. The only thing that I would say about the internet is that you need to watch out for misinformation about diet and fitness, and you need to make sure the communities you're joining are promoting are healthy and positive behaviors.
Find a way to stay accountable
Photo courtesy of Nerdy Rockson on Unsplash |
Finding excuses to put off your workout, or just not do it, is way too easy as it is. Paying for a gym membership or a workout class, and having a friend to go with can help to keep you accountable as you don't want to waste your money or let your friend down, but when you're basically on your own at home, it's easy to slack off a bit. If you're following a free workout program, there's no financial investment, so you're not going to feel like you're wasting money by not doing it. Then, there's also no one waiting to meet up with you at the gym. So you have to find a way to hold yourself accountable, so you're not as tempted to skip your workout. And there are plenty of ways that you can do so; without spending so much as a dime.
Perhaps, you could find an accountability partner online, and you could hold each other accountable and help each other stay motivated. You could also hang a workout calendar on your wall, and check off your workouts as you go along, or maybe even give yourself a sticker for each day you complete your workout. You could always keep a habit tracker for working out in your bullet journal or on your phone. Perhaps you could set up an alarm every day for when it's time to workout. Or, you could do any combination of the above, or even come up with your own way to stay accountable.
Get creative with household items
Photo courtesy of Raphiell Alfaridzy on Unsplash |
Don't have any gym equipment at home? That's perfectly okay! Not only are there a ton of equipment-free workouts out there, but you can often find substitutions around your home for gym equipment. Weights can often be substituted with soup cans or water bottles. If you don't have a yoga mat, you can always roll out a towel, so you won't have to be directly on the floor. You can also use a sturdy chair for a variety of workouts as well. There are a lot of ways that you can get creative with items around your home to use for your workouts, you just have to use your imagination.
Dress to impress (yourself)
Photo courtesy of Heather Ford on Unsplash |
I know that I can't speak for everyone, but personally, the cuter my workout outfit is, the better and more motivated I feel. I absolutely love planning out my workout outfit before I go to bed at night and having it set out, so it's ready for me in the morning. That way, I don't have to be trying to figure out what to wear right before my workout, and waste time looking through my drawers trying to put an outfit together, I can just get dressed and get my workout started.
Personally, I like to plan my workout outfits just as carefully as I would an outfit for going out, even I'm just working out from home. I love dressing up for my sweat session as if it's a special event, because in a way it is. A lot of the time, the better I look, the better I feel, and when I love my outfit, not only am I more excited about my work out, but I'm more motivated to give it 100%.
Seriously, you don't have to go to the gym to get a good workout. You can get just as good of a workout at home, without any fancy equipment, and without spending a single dime. All you need is a plan, some motivation, and maybe a little bit of creativity. Personally, I've always loved working out from home, as you don't have to pay for a gym membership, and no one can bother you or judge while you're working out. You can just do your thing, get your sweat on, and have fun with it.
Do you enjoy workout from home and have any tips that you'd like to share? I would love to hear them. I'd also love to hear about some of your favorite ways to stay active at home. Also, if you're a frequent gym-goer, do you miss the gym when you can't go? As I said, I'm more into home workouts, but I do enjoy going for runs as well, but I'm trying to be a little extra cautious about going out right now, even with outdoor activities. Plus, Ohio's weather is questionable most of the year, so I'm working out indoors most of the time anyway, haha.
Do you enjoy workout from home and have any tips that you'd like to share? I would love to hear them. I'd also love to hear about some of your favorite ways to stay active at home. Also, if you're a frequent gym-goer, do you miss the gym when you can't go? As I said, I'm more into home workouts, but I do enjoy going for runs as well, but I'm trying to be a little extra cautious about going out right now, even with outdoor activities. Plus, Ohio's weather is questionable most of the year, so I'm working out indoors most of the time anyway, haha.
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